Five Reasons Why Updating Your Website Is A Great Investment

Does your website need an update? If you answered yes right away, now is the time to make this update happen! As the face of your small business, a little lift does more than scratch the itch for internet users who like new things – it has many practical purposes that can positively impact your bottom line, too. Here are five reasons why investing in your business’ website is a great idea.
Reason #1: It will make a great first impression
In the digital age, your website is the first part of your small business most prospective customers will see. The right updates can show every visitor that you care about your products, customer service, and quality of every part of your business. You don’t have a lot of time to make a first impression, but an update can help you make the most of it!
Once your site gets the visitor’s attention, the goal is to entice them into exploring your products, services, and information even further. You want them to learn about your company, browse the different products and services that you offer, and engage with your content. This is the start of profitable interactions called conversions, and thus more business!
Reason #2: An update will boost your site’s visibility
An update can have a huge impact on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). This is because search engines love high-quality content that is frequently updated. When you update the text, metadata, videos, and photo content of your site, the algorithms used by search engines like Google crawl through your pages, index them, and recalculate your ranking. If you keep your content updated, descriptive, and high-quality, your site has a better chance of being noticed by both search results and your ideal audience.
Reason #3: You can make your website more useful for everyone
Updates help Google find your site, but they also make the overall experience much better for your visitors. For instance, many internet users do their browsing almost exclusively on mobile devices like smartphones and tablets; to give them the best experience possible, your website should be mobile-friendly. If features like this are missing from your site, you must invest in them ASAP!
Reason #4: Your business will keep up with or surpass the competition
If you don’t update your website with the latest features, you’re missing out on great customer opportunities! If these “opportunities” find that your website isn’t intuitive to their needs, that the browsing experience is slow or hard to follow, or don’t see you on the first page of their search engine returns, they’ll browse right over to the competition. We’re in a time when every opportunity is a good opportunity, and regular website updates make the most of them!
Reason #5: It gives visitors a reason to come back!
Updating your website creates an incentive for people to come back. Once customers see that the content of your site changes and updates regularly, they’ll see you as an authority. When they need your services again – to buy a gift, stock up on their favourite products, or need something they can only get at a physical location – they’ll remember your website as the place to get what they want, find answers to their questions, and more. This repeat business is always worth the investment!