The Basics of Web Hosting: Hosting 101

Web Design Web Designer Hosting Hosting 101 SlyFox Digital Media Marketing London Ontario - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Much like your business, your website has to have an “office”, a physical space in which to live, because you can’t just be online. To actually function on the Internet, your website has to be on a specialized computer server, the brick and mortar of the digital sphere. Finding a website hosting service is the…

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What To Look For When Buying a Website

buing a website notebook plan for website slyfox digital media marketing - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Looking to get your business online? It’s not a complicated process, but it shouldn’t be as simple as paying your neighbor for a job done on a template. A website is an important tool for spreading your message and generating sales, and what goes into its creation should reflect that! Here are five key points…

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