Five Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From The Wolf Of Wall Street

wolf of wall street - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

The Wolf of Wall Street, the 2013 movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio that charts the rise and fall of Jordan Belfort and his brokerage firm Stratton Oakmont, is a devilishly entertaining film. It’s so entertaining that it might cover the fact that most of the lessons in the movie are all about what not to do…

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Your Pool or Mine? #smallbusinessthatrocks

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Hot, lazy days, lounging by the pool with a cold beverage while someone else does the work…this is the image of summer at it’s best! As much as SlyFox loves digital marketing, we also long for a cold swim on a hot day.  This #smallbusinessthatrocks can help us all get that goal faster!  

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Building Your Email List

At Symbol used in email addresses - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Email marketing can seem like one of the last things to focus on for a small business marketing plan. Everyone can relate to the words “spam” and “junk mail”, but the thing is, email marketing is pretty successful at getting people to open and click on your content. It’s a perfect addition to your overall…

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Rusty: The Dog, The Legend

Rusty - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Rusty [ctt template=”8″ link=”saU2Q” via=”yes” ]Some things just fill your heart without trying.[/ctt] Here at SlyFox, we like to show thanks to our most well-behaved employees, the ones that bring their A-game when deals need closing and hard work requires tough leadership. These employees come into the office and instantly mean business.

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