Getting a Head Start on E-Commerce Before the Holidays

assorted red and white gifts - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Do you dread the sight of red and green before Halloween? You’re not alone; it seems like every year carols and bells are out earlier than before. But it happens for a reason: whether they like it or not, people do start thinking about their Christmas shopping as soon as the weather takes a cold…

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Adam’s Flooring: A #SmallBusinessThatRocks

Adam's Flooring - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

If you’re like us, you probably don’t spend too much time thinking about the floors in your home. However, consider that your floors are the surface on which you live your life- where you entertain, where your children play, your pets sleep. It is also one of the first things that anyone will notice when…

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10 Reasons To Hire a Social Media Manager

woman pointing at holographic map - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Thinking of expanding your influence and bringing your business online? Social media is a logical first step, and people love it because it lets you control the marketing yourself. But it’s still marketing, and it’s only as good as the team behind it! Before you sign your shop up for an account, consider these ten…

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The Town Square #SmallBusinessThatRocks

Slyfox Mascot holding The Town Square business cards - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Launched just this year, The Town Square is a marketplace showcasing the incredible talents of local businesses. They recognize small business as the backbone of our community as they provide a sense of connection, support for local sports and events,  economic growth, and quality job opportunities.  The Town Square strives to provide opportunities to all small business…

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Increasing Instagram Engagement

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Instagram is hot right now, with 9 million users over the age of 13. The majority of Instagrammers reside in the 18-34 age demographic, so it’s the perfect platform to use if you’re looking to attract a younger clientele. It’s also very user-friendly – with a good camera and proper lighting, you can make organic-looking…

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