Why Do I Need Facebook Ads?

Facebook ads

Ads drive social media, but are you taking advantage? If your business has a profile on Facebook, you should be using Facebook advertising. Ads on this platform will help expand your presence, increase brand awareness, attract leads, and even create conversions. It’s also budget-friendly!

Your Audience Is Likely On Facebook


Facebook provides businesses with a great advertising opportunity because it’s a space where people from all over the world meet. They talk about what they like, put valuable keywords on their profiles, and even create communities based on shared interests.

The platform has the largest user base of any social media site – and at more than 2.8 billion users, more people are on it than the population of China! If they’re on the platform, they are likely checking it daily – around 66% of Facebook users log in to their accounts every day.

A likely audience is on there somewhere, and you can find them with your ads. Luckily, Facebook makes targeting the demographics likely to become your customers an easy job!


Facebook Ads Make It Easy To Find Your Audience


Facebook adsOne benefit of Facebook advertising is that it lets you reach an exact audience. Before going into how you can find your target audience on Facebook, it helps to understand how ads work. While you can target users by age, interests, behaviour, and location, you may have to compete for the space on their screens!

Much like Google Ads, advertisers on Facebook have to bid to secure an advertising placement – simply put, whoever bids the highest gets to show their ad. Ad placement is determined by your bid, which is the amount you’re willing to spend, and ad space is determined by the demand for that space.

If you’re targeting a highly sought-after audience, the costs per click will be higher. However, creating small target audiences can lead to higher prices because you’ll find fewer placements available. You must find a balance that works, and because it’s not an expensive investment, you can fine-tune your segments and audience over time without losing a lot of money!

When creating an ad, Facebook will prompt you to choose a marketing objective, and what you pick can heavily affect your Facebook advertising costs. If you come in with a plan, time your bids right, and strike a balance in your targeted audience, you may only pay a cent more than the nearest bids by your competitors while getting in front of the most Facebook users possible.


Facebook Ads Are Cost-Effective


Facebook ads are one of the cheapest options available and can cost a fraction of what other online marketing channels cost! It’s easy to set a reasonable daily budget that doesn’t exceed what you can spend. The cost per click and conversion can be so worthwhile that it may make sense to eliminate other expensive advertising strategies in which you’ve invested.

It’s especially great when you compare your potential reach to other forms of advertising. It drives immediate results, and you can begin reaching these thousands right away.


You Can Measure The Effectiveness Of Facebook Ads


Facebook takes a lot of the guesswork out of advertising. The results are measurable, and the numbers will speak to the effectiveness of your campaign. You can see how many impressions, clicks, and conversions your ads are receiving, helping you determine what aspects are working and what aren’t.

Facebook ads can play a role in your overall digital marketing plans. If you follow a simple strategy, you’ll find that Facebook advertising is a fast, cost-efficient way to drive traffic and conversions. SlyFox can plan and execute a Facebook ad strategy that works with your small business marketing budget – if you need help, call our team today!

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