What Are Follow Loops?

Getting a large, engaged following on your small business’ Instagram profile is the dream, but it can be frustrating. You may have already worked yourself silly trying to get followers by engaging with people and have nothing to show for it. Some might even become tempted to pay for sketchy, bot-driven programs, but all these will do is get your account flagged for spam. Don’t turn to these shady tactics – get in a follow loop instead!
The SlyFox social media team has had excellent success using follow loops to earn more Instagram followers for our clients. Our experiences show that this is an attractive and effective tactic for growing a following of real people who share your interests!
Why Join A Follow Loop?
Already popular among the Influencer crowd, follow loops are great tactics for small Instagram pages! This is because every loop is a team effort, made up of accounts looking to get more followers in their interest group or audience. They can be free, they can cost money (ours is free!), but all ask for one thing: that the participants carefully follow all of the rules.
A set of rules is important for follow loops because they keep everything aboveboard. Instagram is trying to crack down on accounts using third-party apps that allow users to buy likes or followers. The fake users and bots that drive these apps don’t serve a purpose anyway, as you don’t need a high follower number – you need worthwhile engagement!
A good follow loop will connect you with followers that share your values; in our case, it’s with many small business owners and “buy local” advocates who want to expand their community and help each other out.
How Can You Use Our Follow Loop?
If you’ve never heard of a follow loop, don’t worry: the rules are very easy to follow!
- Follow the hosts (in this case, @ontariofollowloop and @slyfoxwebdesign), comment “Let’s Connect” and tag two other accounts on the “SIGN UPS” post.
- You’ll receive instructions from the host telling you what image and caption to post on your account.
- Post this, then follow everyone your host follows – you are now in the loop!
Additional rules prevent the loop from breaking up: we ask that anyone joining the loop is respectful to all of the participants. To prevent accounts from taking advantage of the follow loop, unfollowing Ontario Follow Loop, SlyFox or any of the participants will result in your account being blocked and unfollowed by everyone in the follow loop.
It helps that the participants get followers that share their values, will engage with their content and even buy their product/services. Accounts that join a follow loop can expect to get between 60-150 followers; however, engaging in the comment section of the posts can help you gain even more followers!