#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Vojin Security

Security is very important to the SlyFox team, but we stay in our lane: the websites we build are well-guarded and secure. When it comes to protecting property and people, we leave that to the professionals. It’s good to know that there are community-minded security companies out there, including this week’s #SmallBusinessThatRocks, Vojin Security.
Based out of Alberta, Vojin Security came to SlyFox for a custom website that could meet their small business goals. They wanted to expand their services nationally while making their site a useful hub for clients. We were able to give this company and its unique approach to security the right website for their needs!
Vojin Security Provides Community-Focused Solutions
What makes Vojin Security different from other security companies? For one thing, their entire team takes the approach that security services should be for the people, not against them. They believe that security guards shouldn’t be intimidating until they have to be. Clients notice this right from the start: for most security jobs, Vojin guards wear a plum shirt with charcoal pants. They chose these colours because purple has been shown to be a psychologically calming colour, meaning people who see the team are less likely to view them as a threat!
Vojin’s team uses Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) and Nonviolent Crisis Intervention (NVCI) training so that they have the skills needed to neutralize an aggressive assault. PPCT is a system of blocks, punches, and kicks they can use to control a hostile subject with a minimal chance of injury. NVCI training helps them recognize the stages of an escalating crisis, and the guards put evidence-based techniques to use in a way that appropriately de-escalates a situation. With these two systems and regular weekly training, the Vojin team can defuse hostile or violent behaviour before people can disrupt an event or cause harm to people and property. All this training gives every member of the Vojin Security team decision-making skills they can use to match the level of the response to the risk of the crisis.
Vojin believes that discretion, risk assessment, and quick-thinking are the most important skills for a guard to have, but they must also think ahead. Instead of using violence to mitigate threats, they defuse situations in ways that won’t cause retaliation or attract repeat offenders. This means taking a community-minded approach and knowing the surrounding area. This approach is one of the many ways Vojin Security differentiates itself from the competition.
Easing Security: The Vojin Client Portal
When Vojin Security came to the SlyFox team for a new website, we had to build something completely customized. Their project management goals reflected their company goals: to make security more approachable and perform it with the community in mind. To these ends, one feature the SlyFox built for them is the Vojin Security Client Portal.
The Client Portal improves how all Vojin clients can access and assign their services to the security team. Through this feature, clients can directly handle assignments, view the data in easy-to-read reports, provide feedback, and adjust their services based on the information presented. This secure, accessible portal gives clients a hands-on approach to guarding their physical property, employees, and customers!
Though they got their start in Canmore, Alberta, Vojin Security operates in every province, and potential clients across Canada can now reach out, set up, and control their security services on the website we set up for this amazing company. Whether you need them for event security, personal protection, or private investigation, Vojin applies the same community-centric principles across all their services, and this makes them a real #SmallBusinessThatRocks!