The Newest Social Media Sites To Discover in 2018

Do you ever feel like social media giants such as Facebook are becoming too crowded? Is Twitter becoming too spammy and Instagram too regulated? Sometimes, we all feel the need to give these platforms a break or just back away from the abundance of information being fed to us.
While some people are over-stimulated and over-dosing on social and viral media there are some that can see these platforms as offering a real sense of community. So we’ve done some digging and found the newest social media sites that might cater to your lifestyle, interests, and hobbies that are mostly buried in the nooks and crannies of the world wide web. Here are some options with the largest user bases and best functionality!
The main thing the older platforms like Facebook and Instagram have going for them are large budgets, development roadmaps, battle-tested APIs and reliability because of their large populations. And unfortunately, newer platforms don’t have these amenities and will not always be able to control what you’ll see, read, or watch. Despite this, new platforms are popping up every year.
1. The Dots
This is basically one of the newest social media sites that brings creative professionals together. It is a network that lets them connect, collaborate, and exhibit their works. Towards the end of 2017, they had approximately 250,000 users. The main aim of the platform is to champion arts professionals and empower them to monetize and strategize their creative output.

This image is copyright of The—Dots©.
2. LEGO Life
Social networking isn’t only limited to adults. In fact, kids these days are already able to find their way into these platforms. LEGO offers the newest social media site that ensures a safe way for kids to interact online through lego-making. There are a lot of kid-friendly activities for them to enjoy while enhancing creativity and socializing. Some of its success is piggybacking off of the popularity of recent Lego movies and video games. Watch out for this unlikely social media success!

This image is copyright of LEGO Group. ©2018
3. is one of the social network apps to originate in Shanghai, China and has broken out quickly into mainstream markets. It allows users to showcase their creative short videos accompanied by self-made or choice hosted tracks. Recently, it’s gained popularity among social media influencers from other platforms as it adds a multi-faceted creative outlet that combines music, fashion and street style. This new, creative and entertaining platform also integrates seamlessly with its live streaming app by the same company called that improves upon current live streaming capabilities. A new Duet feature permits you to co-broadcast with other creators and influencers and allow you to host Q&A and call your favourite followers to include in your live streams.

This image is copyright of, Inc.
4. Whisper
Most of the emerging and newest social media sites will keep you on the radar. But what if you don’t want to? Want to over-share what happened last summer to a bunch of strangers? Whether it’s the former or the latter, you can do it on Whisper. It is an anonymous social networking app that lets you post confessions without revealing your identity. Ultimately, this app has the feel of the intimacy and spontaneous discussion of the first generation social apps like MSN and even older spaces like IRC chat. And wasn’t that anonymous, honest style the rawest form of social media?

This image is copyright of Whisper ©
5. Tagged
Tagged is an app that markets itself as more spontaneous than other platforms and was originally marketed to teens. The platform was built around the idea that you can easily and openly browse the profiles of other members, an intuitive viral video rank and queue and send virtual gifts and currency to friends. They have a real-time chat room system and rooms that are aimed at dating and relationships with a unique rating system. Another great advantage of this platform is their game platform integration and personalized games rooms. These rooms feature games created by former executives and head designers from large companies like Electronic Arts.

This image is copyright of Ifwe Inc. ©
Whatever social media platform you use (or try not to use) for business or for creative expression it’s hard not to sometimes find yourself a little out of focus. It’s easy to lose yourself and your unique point of view in a huge urban centre saturated by social media and marketing content. But you should at least try to explore different means of communication and expose yourself to the widely different audiences they provide. After all, that’s why we’ve provided this list, a chance to try new platforms that also have integration with the larger more established platforms so you won’t move too far afield.
That’s what everyone at SlyFox enjoys the most about everything digital marketing from web hosting to web design, social media and graphic design. There’s always new tricks and points of view to discover year after year and it takes a fox to find them!