Why Do I Need A Linkedin Profile And Company Page?

LinkedIn is one of the most popular social media sites in Canada. A good portion of working Canadians have an account, second only to Facebook! LinkedIn provides small business owners with many chances to promote and network with like-minded people. A LinkedIn profile and business profile are just like the differences between Facebook’s business and…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: MEE Photography

Something every small business website needs is original photography. Unique images create a brand for a company, as well as help them stand out to new visitors and build new SEO opportunities. You shouldn’t trust your smartphone’s camera to do the job properly, but who can you turn to for pictures that match your business…

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What Is Position Zero?

Getting the number one ranking on Google is the ultimate compliment to a website. But leave it to the world’s largest search engine to find a way to make quick browsing more convenient. Recent innovations now provide small companies with another chance to earn a coveted spot, one that’s more helpful for both the user…

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Why WordPress Is The Best Choice For Small Businesses


WordPress is well-known as one of the best blogging platforms online. But since its founding in 2003, the site has become one of the leading content management systems (CMS) online. Millions of businesses around the world use it to build their website, and your small business could be next!

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Variable vs. Fixed Costs: Why They Matter

Clarifying the differences between the costs that don’t change and the costs that do is very important for small businesses. Bills, shipping, packaging, and all the other important expenses should be classified in two ways: variable costs and fixed costs. This helps with budgeting and when making break-even analysis every year. But where does marketing…

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What Was The First Social Media Site?

When people talk about social media, most of us think of Facebook. The site has gone from a curiosity to a regular part of our lives, all thanks to pushing the right buttons in our brains. Facebook became so powerful so quickly that it’s easy to forget that the concept was tried a couple of…

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How Long Does It Take To Build A WordPress Site?

Small businesses making the online leap might have a few questions about the process. The main question we get is, “how soon will I be online?” It’s a good question that depends on how the site is being built. Our team builds WordPress sites, a website you might know better as a blogging platform. The…

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Using Feedback To Make Websites Better

Valuable perspectives for a website development project come from three different parties: the client, developer, and visitors. Unfortunately, the one opinion that matters most doesn’t get any input until the project is complete, and surprisingly, this is the visitor’s opinion. Once a site goes live, we constantly measure and use visitor feedback to refine and…

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