#SmallBusinessThatRocks : Currys & Grill

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If you ask someone what their favourite food is, there is a good chance that it’ll be something homemade, often served with a side a happy nostalgia. No matter where you’re from or where you are, there is nothing like home-cooking. You can taste the care taken in preparation and the culinary and family histories…

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#SmallBusinessThatRocks: At The Mat

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We hear a lot of about the importance of balance in all aspects of our lives: work/life, budgets, nutrition. But, do you ever think about the importance of balance within the physics of your body, itself? Or, about the connection between your body and mind? Niki Carr, Pilates instructor, and owner of #SmallBusinessThatRocks, At The…

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SlyFox Mentions: Tips on Handling Difficult Clients

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This month, our SocialFox was featured in a Work At HomeΒ Success expert tips article on dealing with difficult clients. And it’s such a relevant read for any entrepreneur in any industry! The stresses of daily commerce work both ways and it’s crucial to have empathy and patience as part of your regular business practices. Michelle…

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