#SmallBusinessThatRocks: Sparkle Kingdom

We need to rethink makeup.
More than a beauty enhancer, makeup can help show the essence of who you are and accentuate it, giving you the confidence to be true to yourself. Sparkle Kingdom is a local small business that helps Londoners express who they are through this exciting medium. The mission of founder and makeup guru Cher is to give people the hope and confidence they need to be who they want to be and do what they want to do. She understands that this isn’t always easy.
When we first met her, our team sat down with someone who overflows with personality, joy, and insight. But her personal story told of challenges and drive, and it spoke to her unique strength and the determination she brings to her work. Her desire to pass the “sparkle” on to new clients gives her #SmallBusinessThatRocks a one-of-a-kind goal!
Cher’s Story And The Beginning Of Sparkle Kingdom
Cher’s sparkle became confined by years of trauma, and she almost believed that it stopped existing altogether. This is a difficult thing to go through, especially when you feel alone. Fortunately, the best people in her life helped her rediscover the sparkle and bring it out again. She started Sparkle Kingdom as a way of making sure that she never lost that idea of inner beauty and confidence again – and that no one else had to feel this way, either.
Instead of seeing makeup as something that covers up and hides, Cher approaches her work as a way of opening up. She is passionate about both the artistry and the human sides of her profession. She brings this passion, as well as some serious skills and a desire to teach, to every appointment she has – whether it’s a private lesson, makeup for a prom, or a fun group session!
Sparkle Kingdom
Cher offers private makeup lessons, applications, and workshops that teach people the fundamentals of makeup artistry. Cher understands that makeup application is a very personal experience, and that every face, skin tone, and personal preference is different. It could be for a fancy occasion, a costume, or everyday wear – by seeing the uniqueness in each person, Cher can bring out the sparkle in everyone!
She also hosts group sessions for lessons and workshops. Cher believes that we learn best by helping each other, interaction, and making ourselves vulnerable. Groups will find they learn so much about more than the “hows” of makeup – they’ll learn the “whys,” and maybe something about themselves, too! Every application brings out the best in her clients, and she designs every lesson and workshop to let the client grow as a true artist.
Cher is an excellent role model for people of all ages who may have forgotten that they, too, have an infinite amount of sparkle. She provides a safe space in which her clients can be vulnerable, creating new ways to connect. This superpower is what makes Sparkle Kingdom a #SmallBusinessThatRocks!