How Does Adding Schema Improve Your Website?

If you’re a small business owner, you know that marketing comes down to online visibility. You have the public on your side – they only need to find you! It’s why you have to appeal to the tools they use to find local shops: search engines. Your website should make it easy for search engines…

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Five Inexpensive Ways To Add Wow Factor To Your Website

Often we’ll talk about appealing to Google with search engine optimization, but today, we’re focusing on the visitor! User experience is everything now, but you don’t just want your visitors to find your website easy to navigate – you want to make them say “wow!”  Your wow factor can increase conversions, reduce bounce rates, and…

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How To Plan Your SEO Content Strategy For Next Year

seo content

You’re probably already looking to 2021 with optimism, and really, after the year we all had, how bad could it be? As you look ahead, think about your SEO strategy and how your marketing and digital content can help your small business in the new year. Content remains king for SEO and should be a…

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Using Feedback To Make Websites Better

Valuable perspectives for a website development project come from three different parties: the client, developer, and visitors. Unfortunately, the one opinion that matters most doesn’t get any input until the project is complete, and surprisingly, this is the visitor’s opinion. Once a site goes live, we constantly measure and use visitor feedback to refine and…

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