Things To Consider When Looking For A Web Designer

web designer

There are many web designers out there and each one of them has their own unique style, skill set, and experience. Before deciding which designer you want to work with, it’s important to consider your needs and do your research. A professional web design company will create a perfect solution for your website. Keep reading…

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Five Reasons To Pay A Pro To Build Your Website

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When you want to expand your small business reach, a website is a must. Scratch that, a professionally-built website is a must, and it’s one of the best investments you can make for your marketing plan. When done right, a website can combine online marketing, business information, and direct conversions into one convenient package. Here’s…

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The Basics of Web Hosting: Hosting 101

Web Design Web Designer Hosting Hosting 101 SlyFox Digital Media Marketing London Ontario - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Much like your business, your website has to have an “office”, a physical space in which to live, because you can’t just be online. To actually function on the Internet, your website has to be on a specialized computer server, the brick and mortar of the digital sphere. Finding a website hosting service is the…

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What To Look For When Buying a Website

buing a website notebook plan for website slyfox digital media marketing - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Looking to get your business online? It’s not a complicated process, but it shouldn’t be as simple as paying your neighbor for a job done on a template. A website is an important tool for spreading your message and generating sales, and what goes into its creation should reflect that! Here are five key points…

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