The Future of Digital Advertising: What Small Businesses Need to Know

Digital advertising has grown exponentially over the past decade. What started as simple banner ads and email campaigns has blossomed into a complex ecosystem of targeted ads, data-driven strategies, and multi-platform campaigns. For small businesses, this evolution presents both opportunities and challenges. Understanding the future landscape of digital advertising is crucial for small businesses to…

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User Experience: Why It’s Important And How To Improve It On Your Site

Your website can be one of the most powerful tools at your small business’s disposal, but it’s only as powerful as it is useful. If a visitor can’t find the information they need, they’ll quickly move on to another resource! In web development, how this visitor feels when interacting with your site is called user…

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How We Use Google Drive To Collaborate With Our Clients

Many people consider Google Drive as a cloud and sync service, but it’s so much more than that. The G Suite of online programs – Google Drive, Documents, Sheets, Slides, etc. – make it easy to share work and collaborate on projects with our clients. 

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Magpie Bath: Bathtub Rings Anyone?

Magpie Bath - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

Anyone who knows SlyFox Digital Media Marketing knows of our love for animals…especially wiener dogs!  Imagine our delight when we came across this #smallbusinesstthatrocks, Magpie Bath, right here in London, Ontario and saw this post on their Facebook page. 

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Twenty Ways To Create Blog Posts That Go Viral

cat blogging - SlyFox Web Design and Marketing

  Blog writers, from health and wellness experts to video game nerds, all have the same aspiration: they want their posts to go viral. It’s not so much a money thing, though everyone wants to make a living off their writing; it’s about getting their words in front of people and hitting the write notes…

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Small Businesses, Value Your Time!

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[ctt template=”5″ link=”r5HaW” via=”no” ]“Don’t sell yourself short. No one will value you.” – John Kremer[/ctt] Small businesses need to be able to compete. One tactic that might seem suitable to owners is offering products or services at a discounted price. It makes sense, right? In theory, it sounds like a great way to attract…

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10 Reasons You MUST Invest in a Logo Right Now

I need a logo - What do I do?

[ctt template=”5″ link=”79fb3″ via=”no” ]Without promotion, something terrible happens – Nothing![/ctt] So you’ve got a company name, the company itself, and things are starting to get off the ground; but how do you brand your product? How do you tell the world that it was all your idea or your merchandise that was sold? You…

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Learning for You!

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[ctt template=”5″ link=”WZb2C” via=”no” ]Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.[/ctt] When we think of school and learning, typically we automatically make a face as the litany of our childhood years bubbles to our lips. Boring, not necessary, what’s the point, etc. Why do we think like that though? Why are we…

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